Though it's the third night he's stood there watching me, something tells me he won't do so again. He turns to leave, I know it's now or never.
Me - Don't go.
He looks over his shoulder.
Turner - You're awake?
I nod even though I'm not sure if he can see me and repeat myself.
Me - Don't go.
I cross the room wrapping my arms around him from behind.
Me - Please.
I do care, if I didn't I would just let him walk away.
Turner - Hayley.
I can hear the pain in his voice as he moves out of my arms and steps though the doorway before turning to face me.
Turner - Why did you come back? What are you doing here?
As he speaks he moves farther into the room and I follow.
Me - Isn't it obvious?
Turner - You should leave.
Me - Haven't we had this conversation before?
Turner - Why did you come back?
Me - Because I felt guilty. Because I'm not my mother. I've always hated her, not for leaving me, but for how she hurt my father. I couldn't bare the thought that I had done the same to you.
Turner - You came back out of guilt?
Me - My stepmother is the one who made me see the parallel. She asked me if I thought my mother ever felt guilty. I said no, because she didn't care. But I do feel guilty
Turner - So you've said.
Me - Don't you get it? I said that I don't think my mother ever felt guilty about leaving us BECAUSE SHE DIDN'T CARE! I do feel guilty because I do care. I care about you. After I left, I went back to my past boyfriend, we had never broken up. But I just didn't feel the same as I used to, and I did everything to try to fix that, everything, but nothing changed the fact I didn't belong with him anymore. If I ever belonged with him I don't anymore because I belong with you.
I start to cover my mouth realizing what I've just said but then stop my self as I realize the truth of it.
Me - I belong with you Turner. I see that now. I know it's late but please, please tell me its not too late.
He'd had his back to me but upon my saying I belong with him he looked back at me and as I finished walked over to me.
Turner - You think you belong with me?
Me - I know I do. I'm sorry I hurt you.
Turner - It's not as though I have not done wrong by you as well.
Me - I don't want to think of that, it no longer matters.
Turner - Yes, let the past, just be the past.
He kisses me sweetly and softly, gently holding me against him, his strong hard body a stark contrast to his soft lips.
He holds me for a moment just looking at me before releasing me and stepping back. I blink slowly staggering back .
Turner - Something wrong?
Me - No, just pretty tired all of a sudden. I mean I was a little tried before but...
It happens practically in an instant but seems longer. I stop short feeling my legs give out from under me.

Turner grabs for me and my arms instinctively wrap around his neck, catching me in my fall.
Turner - Are you okay?
His voice is full of concern.
Nearly completely out of it, I let out a slight groan and he picks me up.
And then the world goes black.
Its a while later I open my eyes,dazed, and find myself in bed, Turner now sleeping by my side. I scoot close next to him putting an arm around him and close my eyes again.
The next morning after dressing I make myself breakfast and sit down to eat. I've informed Laura that I will continue to do the cooking and that she is mostly here to clean. I like to cook and don't know how good a cook she is, but am willing to bet I'm better.
Its gotten dark and Turner invites me outside to look at the stars.
Turner - I wanted you to see this view.
We sit together in silence for sometime before I push him back against the ground and move closer to him resting my head on his shoulder. I wordlessly pass it off as just being sweet and romantic. Which it is, but also I'm felling that sudden tiredness again. As I close my eyes I feel him kiss the top of my head.
Turner - Everything alright my beauty?
Good question.
Me - Mhmm.
A short time later after the slight wave of tiredness had passed, I start to head inside and see this adorable little dog chasing its tail in front of the door.
Me - Well hello there little fella.
Stooping down I let him sniff my hand before petting him.
Me - Aren't you a cutie?
Turner coming around from back heading inside as well but stops upon seeing me with the dog.
Turner - And whose this?
Me - He doesn't have a collar and I can't feel a chip. He must be a stray.
Turner - Would you like to keep him?
Me - Seriously?
Turner - Of course, he really seems to like you. Can't say I blame the little guy.
Me - He does doesn't he?
Before I brought her here Laura mentioned she worked as a nurse, maybe she can tell me why I've been having this sudden waves of exhaustion.
I find her and have to quickly cover my mouth to stop the gasp of shock moving to hide along the wall.
Wow. Love that last picture!
ReplyDeleteI think the little dog is so cute, Love the picture you got of them. I'm excited to see the next chapter. I think I have a idea why Haley is fainting. He He. Loved it.
ReplyDeleteI told you I still don't like him :[ but hooray for Hayley and Turner!!!!
ReplyDeleteAwesome post. Can't wait to find out what happens next.
She must be pregnant!
ReplyDeleteAdam and Laura! I hope he's not forcing her to have a relationship with him!